Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Marks Are In

With all the ballyhoo behind us, for A215 anyway, the last part of our OU course was our marks for our exam and our overall mark for the module.  I think we were all remarkably patient, bearing in mind we submitted our work in early June.  For me, it felt more like an afterthought.  I'd moved on in my head and left it behind.  That still didn't stop me getting twitchy when I received an email last night to say that our marks were due within 24 hours.  All of a sudden our Writers' Workshop started to resemble a 4-year old's party when the attendees had partaken of one too many bags of Haribo.  I've no idea if anyone slept.

The morning sun brought with it whoops of delight from all and sundry.  In our Workshop, we all got high 2:1s or Distinctions - quite an achievement, I think.  When we came to our last posting for feedback on our work that was going to be submitted for our exam, we all said that the critiques and support we had received from our fellow Workshoppers during the previous 9 months was a vital part of our learning process.  I think our marks go to prove that has been the case.

Ron Woods - a tiny piece of his work is displayed in a post further down - was published on Sunday - the first one of us.  We are all very proud of him.  He's a brilliant writer.  The hope is that he is the first of many.

All eyes turn, now, to A363.  Let's hope we can make it Distinctions across the board this time next year.  To use a cliche - which would have our tutors gasping in dismay - watch this space!

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