Thursday, 24 February 2011

Ooh ... someone's seen it!

So, post number two.  How did this one come about?

You see, it's all about curiosity.  I'm pretty certain that in a previous existence I was a cat.  And we all know about cats and curiosity.  I'm just hoping that I don't end up with the same outcome!  Could be a pretty short blogging life if so.  However, I digress.  I'm following Cam's blog (and liking what I'm reading, Cam) and have simply been curious as to how she has gone about setting up this blog-thing and posting it in places and before I know it, I've linked it onto my Facebook page and there I thought it would end ... partly because I had no idea how to post it anywhere else.  I did not take into account my friend Marie who found my blog link and mentioned it in our writers' forum.  So, I've now found the link button and pressed 'share' (I blame our OU course for finding buttons and pressing them, thereby whisking literary offerings out into the ether - we do it a lot and I seem to have got carried away).  And here we are.  Blog number 2.

The odd thing is, especially if I want to be a writer, which does necessitate having other people read the things one writes ... at least it does if you actually want to be successful at it, or even (good grief, what a thought!) earning a living at it ... I'm feeling a little exposed!!  I know!  Barking!  And barking isn't a good thing for a cat person.  It confuses one somewhat.

I'm off to find my comfort blanket.

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