Monday, 28 February 2011

Countrywide tour now on ...

I visited Bath today.  Well, not all of it, just Bath Spa University - very rural, very hilly.  Took the eldest (eldest by 5 minutes) on her first uni interview.  She's doing an Art Foundation Diploma as a compulsory pre-cursor to her degree course, which will start in October.  Made me quite nostalgic for my college days, although the facilities are much better now.  I think it was something about the smell.  Its not like a school smell - small children (who have an unidentifiable smell all their own), cabbage and toilets, its different ... maybe pheromones and books, who knows, but whatever it is it took me right back.  I must admit, I sat in the cafe (a great improvement on Cassio College's refectory - it was more like Costa Coffee without the price tag (medium-sized latte was £1.50 instead of an arm and a leg) - even the sandwiches were from Cranks!) and took out my OU workbook, writing pad and pen and felt quite at home ... if a little more wrinkled round the edges than the in-house students.  If I am a little green, its travel sickness, honestly, not envy!  Hey-ho - I will not live vicariously and I wouldn't go back to being 18 for all the coffee beans in Costa.

Off to Sunderland tomorrow.  She couldn't have picked universities any further away from one another unless she went to Scotland!  The Travelodge in Sunderland promises WiFi, so you may get a post tomorrow.  On the other hand Travelodge promise a lot that often doesn't appear, so I'll just be grateful for enough clean bath towels and a kettle and TV that work!  Apparently this one is built on top of a nightclub, so I'm hoping that, being a Tuesday, it'll be a quiet night.   Also, Tasha and I are sharing a double bed and she kicks like a mule.

Wish me luck!

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